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Seminars & Speaking Engagements

Seminar Descriptions

1. "Climate Reality" Presentations (to be announced)

2."Using the Science of Character for a Strengths-Based Perspective that Optimizes Relational Capacities"

Learn your top strengths and the mental and emotional well-being benefits of using those strengths. Additionally, learn how to develop head strengths (like prudence, bravery, persistence, and self control) and heart strengths (like kindness, gratitude, and social intelligence) in better balance. Further, learn to spot strengths in others. Using strengths in these ways leads to positive communication and relationships, allows for engagement of differences in a more positive way, and helps foster compassion and empathy, all of which provide a feeling of connectedness with others and humanity, and a foundation for better relational capabilities when negotiating and addressing conflict. Based on the Science of Character, developed by Dr. Martin Seligman and Dr. Chris Peterson, this program offers a perspective that focuses on what is best about human beings, and what we can do to be at our best.  

3. "Mind-Body Well Being"

The body and mind share a powerful connection. When one is out of balance, it often affects the other. This program will explore whole-person well-being, with an emphasis on practicing mindfulness through mind-body techniques. In addition to providing positive effects such as re-setting the nervous system, mindfulness can combat negative emotions, and help prevent ‘secondary trauma’ that attorneys often experience in their daily interactions with clients. 

4. "Well-Being in the Practice of Law"

The seminar includes neuroscience-supported mindfulness techniques and interactive exercises for reducing stress. Additionally the seminar includes mind-body trial preparation strategies attorneys can teach their clients and witnesses to help them be more anxiety-resistant. The seminar also includes discussion on Positive Psychology for well-being and some exercises proven to increase resilience and optimism, meaning and purpose, and overall life satisfaction. 

5. "Mindfulness, Resilience, and Lawyer Well Being"

Feeling overwhelmed? Indecisive?  Just plain exhausted?  Would you rather be more focused and productive, dial down worry and stress, and have more energy?

This seminar teaches skills for lawyer well-being, resilience, and better professionalism while earning 3.5 Ethics CLEs. Part I of the seminar will focus on interactive exercises using a synthesis of leading-edge neuroscience and mindfulness techniques, and will also include a mind-body trial preparation strategy attorneys can teach their clients and witnesses to help them be anxiety-resistant.  Part II will include interactive Positive Psychology exercises to build overall well-being proven to increase resilience and optimism, meaning and purpose, better work-life balance, and overall life satisfaction.

6. "Understanding Mindfulness for Better Professionalism - The Path to Lawyer Well Being"

Introduction to the August 2017 ABA Report on Lawyer Well-Being.

7. “Work Smarter – The Power of Recharge”

Modern science has helped us understand what it takes for people to be more productive at work even under conditions of high stress. The work smarter approach is based in research from several sciences: the science of attention, positive psychology, sleep science, health science, and the mind-body sciences. Based on what these sciences have to offer us, this program covers techniques to make the kind of work habits that allow for higher levels of motivation, energy, and productivity which translate into getting more done in less time and being “in the zone” which is a state of mind that automatically adds positive emotions to the day. The work smarter approach also provides techniques to be done in short bursts of time (just a couple of minutes) at strategic times during the day in order to recharge. When you are recharged you feel better, you perform better, and you prevent job burnout. Working this way helps us increase our overall well-being for a more fulfilling and sustainable career.

8. “Positive Psychology for Lawyers – Lawyers are at Risk for Secondary Traumatic Stress”

Legal work is replete with stress. That’s a given, but what’s not as well understood is that secondary traumatic stress, also known as vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue, is a high occupational risk for lawyers. This program examines what secondary trauma is and how positive psychology and body-based therapies are effective prevention and treatment approaches. 

9. “RX Mind-Body Techniques for Better Professionalism”  

In this program, based in part on the ABA book "Yoga for Lawyers Mind-Body Techniques to Feel Better All the Time,” participants will learn about and practice certain mind-body techniques that are useful during the day in order to be exceptionally alert and highly focused for challenging and important tasks, and in the evening for relaxing and improving sleep even after some very stressful days. The techniques also improve professionalism as they train the nervous system for skillful responsive action rather than reactivity in dealing with the daily challenges of practice.

10. “Positive Psychology for Lawyers – Tools for Quality of Life and Superior Professionalism”

The new science of positive psychology provides a proactive approach for lawyers to decrease stress and prevent depression, anxiety, burnout and other mental health concerns. Learn the practical neuroscience behind positive psychology and mindfulness. Learn about empirically supported positive psychology exercises that increase positive emotions while turning off stress chemistry and practice mind-body techniques that calm the nervous system, rejuvenate the practitioner, and create mindfulness for better emotional intelligence and professionalism. The exercises and techniques help lawyers attain greater quality of life, overall well-being, and improved emotional resilience for better practice management and client relationships. Incorporate these exercises and in just minutes a day you will feel more energized, notice enhanced concentration and experience better sleep. 

Upcoming and Past Speaking Engagements:


Upcoming Climate Reality Presentations (to be announced shortly.)

Featured Speaker on Zoom, "Work Smarter - The Power of Recharge," Houston Area Law Librarians, Sept.

2018 and 2019

Speaker, "Well-Being in the Practice of Law," Inn of Court, Santa Fe, NM.

Presenter, "Using the Science of Character for a Strengths-Based Perspective that Optimizes Relational Capacities," American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution Summit, September.

Presenter, "Mind-Body Well Being," NM Bar Annual Conference at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa, August 10.

Featured Speaker, "Well-Being in the Practice of Law," Colorado Defense Attorneys Association Conference in Telluride, July.

Seminar entitled "Mindfulness, Resilience, and Lawyer Well Being," First Judicial District Bar Association 3.5 hour CLE seminar, July.

Featured Speaker, "Start the Year Off Right - The Path to Lawyer Well Being,"  First Judicial District Bar Association, January.


Keynote Speaker, "Work Smarter - The Power of Recharge," and Featured Speaker "Positive Psychology for Lawyers," Wisconsin Solo and Small Firm Conference in the Wisconsin Dells, October.

Keynote Speaker, "Positive Psychology for Lawyers - Tools for Quality of Life and Superior Professionalism," "Lawyers are at Risk for Secondary Traumatic Stress," "RX Mind-Body Techniques for Better Professionalism," and "Work Smarter - The Power of Recharge," Missouri Solo and Small Firm Conference, June.


Featured Speaker, "Positive Psychology for Lawyers," and "Work Smarter - The Power of Recharge," Oklahoma Bar Association Solo and Small Firm Conference, June.

Keynote Speaker, "Regulator Wellness," National Organization of Bar Counsel, August  in San Francisco.

Speaker, "Positive Psychology for Lawyers - An Introduction," Oklahoma Bar Association, April. 


Featured Speaker, "Positive Psychology for Lawyers - An Effective Intervention for Professionalism, Substance Abuse, and Relapse Prevention," ABA Commission on Lawyers' Assistance Programs National Conference, Oct. 

2013 and 2014

CLE seminar, "Neuroscience, the Brain, and the Benefits of Positive Emotions," NM State Bar, Sept. 

Multi-week class in iRest® Meditation for Lawyers," NM State Bar Lawyer Assistance Program, Fall.

Week-long train-the-trainers in Tokyo Japan, "Positive Psychology and Mind-Body Techniques for Stress Relief," May and Nov. 

CLE seminar, "Work Smarter," NM Defense Attorneys, Fall.

CLE seminar, "Well-Being for PNM (Public Service Company of NM) Attorneys."

CLE seminar, "Neuroscience and the Lawyer's Brain."

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